Lightspeed Extreme Entrepreneurs 2018 is an entrepreneurial training series that combines the rigour of new age business stewardship with the verve and tempo of rock n roll.

We’ll be taking applications between July and August of 2018 and staging the show at our HQ in Bengaluru, through eight weeks in September and October.


Our eight shortlisted startups, selected between July and August 2018, will be invited to be a part of Extreme Entrepreneurs, 2018, staged every Tuesday between 11 September and 23 October 2018.

Each Testy Tuesday comprises a morning, afternoon and evening session.

Morning Sessions

Proven – and charismatic – leaders who’ve grown iconoclastic businesses, will, in closed quarters, share their stories, advice, their rules or non-rules, with the EE’18 teams. This makes the Lightspeed India’s Bengaluru offices amongst the most hallowed, evangelistic imbibing room anywhere on the planet.

Afternoon Sessions

A Lightspeed partner assigned to each shortlisted startup takes office hours with them – brainstorming potential business situations, training them through different junctures of their growth story, holding and executing simulated days and events in the life of their nascent business. It’s real-world prep with mentors who’re the real deal.

Evening soiree

It’s rare that the start-up world let their collective hair down, mingle and who knows – share a quip or shake a leg. India’s tech movers and shakers will be hanging out and highly accessible through the evening. An open bar will help along the unwinding.